Video E-Newsletter

Video E-Newsletter for Friday May 8th 2020

Welcome to our inaugural edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. That name sounds kind of clunky don't you agree? So we need a name. Please read this message and watch the video and think about a name. Send your suggestion to we will choose one of the submissions by May 14th for our next edition.

This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them to 8 minutes or less so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.

We hope you have a very good day today.
Best Regards,
Newsletter Committee

Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler

Hi Everyone. I hope this week finds you well.

We have had some beautiful weather which lifts our spirits so get out as often as possible while maintaining social distancing. Seeing the buds on shrubs and trees pop and the flowers bloom will encourage us. Apparently so does singing in the shower at the top of your lungs; making your favourite comfort food or calling your friends and family - whatever keeps up your spirits.

I have had a couple of people ask about using the church parking lot with lawn chairs for an informal gathering. I know people are very anxious to see members of their church family but I am asking people to not do that, please. We are being very careful about keeping numbers within government guidelines and do not want to be seen as putting anyone at risk. And, of course, the church building is essentially closed for all but very limited access which is imperative to ensure the safety of those who are authorized to go in for specific ongoing maintenance and service preparation.

This week we are celebrating Christian Family Sunday as we traditionally give a shout out to our Mothers; those very special people in our lives. Thanks to all who sent photos of their activities during social distancing and to Debbie Maund for putting them together and Bill Millett for getting them added to this week's service. I know I am looking forward to seeing what people have shared.

Last week we tried a couple of different things. We had a good suggestion from the Worship Committee to read the announcements which would be very helpful for those who listen to the service via burned CD or phone facilitated by a Pastoral Care volunteer. It nearly doubled the playing time for that portion of the Sunday morning recording that precedes the actual worship service. Starting this week, my weekly check in, along with most of the announcements, especially anything that might be important for you to remember for the upcoming Sunday service, will be sent by Friday each week.

I hope you enjoy the new format. Please email me at

Let me know if you like it, your suggestions for making it more engaging, if you have any announcements or if you have a photo or short poem or narrative to include. Please send your information by Tues noon for inclusion the following Friday to

We held our first virtual coffee chat on May 3rd. The next one is tentatively scheduled for May 17th. If it will be your first time participating or you are unfamiliar with Microsoft Office Teams please register by the preceding Friday so we can provide you with instructions. Remember, if you do not have a device with video or you just want to join by telephone, we will send you dial in instructions.

Finally, Marlene MacLeod and I participated in a Town Hall style video meeting on May 6th with 53 other participants from around our Region - Fundy St Lawrence, Dawning Waters and Region 15. We shared how other Communities of Faith are doing, how some drive-in services are taking place, ideas for fund raising and some concerns about gradual reopening of church buildings as provincial governments and Public Health professionals lift restrictions. General Council of the United Church of Canada is working on guidelines around reopening which we will be considering.

We are being encouraged to form small groups to plan and implement reopening in each Community of Faith. If you are interested in being a part of that implementation group, please contact me at 506-855-7008 or by email

That's all for this week. Stay well and stay connected.

Council Chair
Mount Royal United Church

Our presenters are actually more than 2 meters apart.
It is a camera angle trick that makes them look closer. :-)

If you have scrolled all the way down here to the bottom, we thought you would enjoy some humor. Smile

© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771 | All Rights Reserved