Prophetic Compassion

Message from our Council Chair

Welcome to the worship service for Sunday May 24th. I hope you find the service meaningful.

This week Rev. Stuart's service is about Prophetic Compassion. In his children's story, he talks about showing compassion and understanding, particularly for those who are different or not familiar to us. Join us as he speaks to the young and young at heart about this important message.

As many of you will have heard, on Friday, May 22nd, Premier Higgs announced that churches are able to reopen to gatherings of 50 people or less. For many churches, that number will not pose a problem. However, at Mount Royal, except during summer months, our attendance is often greater than 50. We are aware that several churches in the surrounding area are open as of May 24th.

The ad hoc Committee struck to discuss reopening and how that might look for our Community of Faith will meet this week to consider the challenges and possibilities. Your input to the survey would be most helpful as we discuss returning to the sanctuary for worship. Please take a few moments to provide your feedback and stay tuned for any changes concerning reopening.

Do you have particular concerns that you would like us to address? Send an email to Susan Fowler at and they will be given to the committee. Please respond by Wed May 27th to the survey which will follow. Your feedback will be vital to our reopening discussions.

Also note, Sunday May 31st we will be celebrating communion together. The service recording will be distributed at 10:30 am so we may all watch together at the same time.

Susan Fowler

Message from our Minister

Welcome everyone to another week of worship here with the Mount Royal community.

This week we look at the idea of radical compassion offered within our current context of isolation and quarantine. Compassion is not always the easiest thing to offer out into our world but as our readings today show us they are essential for everyone to live into the fullness of this life that God dreams and hopes for each and everyone of God’s children.

I hope service finds you well this week and I look forward to joining with you once again in person for worship. Please know I that continue taking and makings call out into our community and if you would like to contact me please do not hesitate in doing so. As we continue, largely in isolation, making those social connections is so incredibly important and so please do call.

I hope the Spirit speaks to you within worship today and may the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with and remain with you now and forever.

Rev. Scott Stuart

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