Book Review / Study Group
Do Fall and Back to School seasons get you inspired to learn something new? Take on new challenges? It always does for me.
One of the 94 Calls to Action released by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) calls us to educate ourselves and develop a better understanding of the long-term effects of residential schools on the survivors and to understand the importance of Reconciliation. You can read about Reconciliation and the Calls to Action Click Here.How can you show your interest and support? Our efforts can range anywhere from wearing an orange ribbon for the children who died at residential schools or an orange t-shirt to acknowledge Every Child Matters to reading and trying to understand the TRCs 94 Calls to Action and then challenging ourselves, our churches and our communities and our governments to implement the Calls to Action. Sometimes we just have to be open to the idea of learning something new in order to change our actions and our thoughts and attitudes. If you would like to learn more about Reconciliation, here is an opportunity to learn and discuss in a safe environment where every question is worthy of asking.
This summer, I have been following a Canadian group called Reconciliation Thunder and their challenge of the #94in94 campaign. This social media campaign was launched to help raise awareness of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 94 calls to action presented in their final report. I have been following this campaign and trying to find a way that I can challenge myself to be better informed and, ultimately, become an Indigenous Ally.
I have three books on my bookshelf that I’m committing to read this fall on the topic of Reconciliation. I thought that there may be other members of the Mount Royal Community of Faith who might want to read these books and then come together to discuss them as well as how we, as a Community of Faith could play our part in Reconciliation.
I am looking to hear from you about your interest in this pursuit. I’m proposing a mini “book series” such that we would read a book each month for 3 months and come together each month to discuss what we’ve read. I work full-time so would be proposing this as an evening activity. If you are interested, in participating, could you please let me know by sending me an email:
The books on my list are:
Seven Fallen Feathers by Tanya Talaga. It is an in-depth look at residential schooling in Canada and has received many good reviews.
21 Things you may not know about the Indian Act: Helping Canadians Make Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples a Reality by Bob Joseph
Out of the Depths (4th Edition) by Isabelle Knockwood (this one is personal accounts of students who attended the residential day school at Shubenacadie)