Virtual Voices - 62nd edition
Virtual Voices
The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church for Friday Sept 24th 2021
Welcome to our sixty second edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.
If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to
we will do our very best to put it on for you.
A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins
with Rev. Stuart.
The weekly bulletin will be available here.
This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.
We hope you have a very good day today. Best Regards, Newsletter Committee
Important Update regarding COVID protocols
Now in effect for all activities at Mount Royal United Church
- Preregistration for in person worship in not required
- We are recording names and phone numbers for contact tracing purposes - Mask wearing, hand sanitizing and social distancing are still required.
** Effective September 26, 2021, proof of double vaccination must be provided to attend worship. - MRUC Council has decided 100% of attendees for worship must be vaccinated.
- No medical exemptions will be accepted at this time.
- You may also be requested to provide a government issued identification.
- If you are either unvaccinated or cannot wear a mask, please stay home until it is safer for you to attend church.
Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler
Hi. How was your week? What great weather to usher in Fall!
In many ways the sunshine was the best part of the week. Covid - 19 numbers in NB continued to rise and we read about cases in schools, day cares and nursing homes with exposure notifications identified with churches, restaurants, and fitness centers. On Wednesday, mandatory mask wearing, and full vaccination was required for most indoor gatherings in public places and businesses. That is what is expected at the church for group gatherings.
At Council on September 21st, the decision was made to require 100% of attendees for in person worship to be double vaccinated. For details concerning that requirement, please see my message at the bottom of this article. If you have concerns, please direct them to me and not to the volunteers.
Over the last few months, I have been sharing suggestions for increasing your understanding of the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. These Calls to Action were developed to address the impact of residential schools on survivors and their families. They are intended to challenge governments, organizations, communities but also individuals. One way to do that is to recognize orange shirt day on September 30th.
Why not watch the video about Orange Shirt Day 2021 with a message from Moderator Richard Botts at the end of this week's Virtual Voices?
Staff at the church have been given September 30th as a paid holiday and the office will be closed. If you are able, please use that day to reflect on the legacy of residential schools.
If you want to participate in the discussion group facilitated by Debbie Maund on Reconciliation, here are the books she recommends:
Begin with 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act (Bob Joseph) Next Seven Fallen Feathers (Tanya Talaga) and Finish up with Out of the Depths (Isabelle Knockwood). Email Debbie at to indicate your interest in participating.
Please join us for worship in person or online this week. The live stream of the service begins with music at 10:15 and the service at 10:30. Rev. Catherine Stuart joins us this week for the Children's Learning Time and for music. Thank you, Rev. Catherine.
And watch for your Thanksgiving letter to be mailed out this upcoming week. It will include an envelope for a special offering if you are able and wish to use it.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Mount Royal United Church Community of Faith.

This message contains important information for those attending in person worship and gatherings at Mount Royal.
As always, your best source of knowing the ongoing N.B. provincial requirements continues to be the website.
In addition to what the province requires, Mount Royal United, like any business or organization operating in the province, is expected to establish its own procedures to ensure the safety of its employees and participants. From the outset of Covid-19 we have always met or, as is our prerogative, exceeded GNB requirements to do what we feel is necessary to keep the staff and members of our Community of Faith and others safe.
Preregistration for in person worship in not necessary but for contact tracing purposes, we are still recording the names and phone numbers of people in attendance. Mask wearing, hand sanitizing and social distancing are still required. NEW: Effective September 26, 2021, proof of double vaccination must be provided to attend worship. Please come prepared to share a government approved form of vaccination record. Those include: * MyHealthNB record * Immunization record from an RHA clinic, pharmacy, or Public Health * Photo or copy of an immunization record * Proof of Vaccination from another jurisdiction
If you are unknown by name to the person designated to check your vaccination record, you may also be requested to provide a government issued form of identification.
At the MRUC Council meeting of September 21st, a decision was made that 100% of attendees for worship must be vaccinated. No medical exemptions will be accepted at Mount Royal at this time. If you are either unvaccinated or cannot wear a mask, please stay home until it is safer for you to attend church.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Susan Fowler Council Chair Mount Royal United Church