Special Message for October 3rd Service

Friends, I have found myself in a position of almost constant compromise since arriving at this wonderful community of faith due to COVID-19 and once again ask your patience as we react to the ongoing situation in NB. Today there has been 140 cases of COVID, the government is stepping up compliance audits for churches, and our other local United Churches are shutting down in-person worship for tomorrow.

Out of an abundance of concern for our community we are also shutting down in-person worship for tomorrow. This is not where I had ever imaged, we would be, but your safety takes priority. We will be live broadcasting tomorrow’s service, which is worldwide communion Sunday, so please do tune in and have your elements ready for worship. Jesus once told us where two or three are gathered in his name he is there. Jesus is with us in person as well as online as we gather in his name, and you are not alone. We are one in the Body of Christ.  
Please know that this in-person closure is only for this week and that council will continue to advise as we move forward. Both Susan and I (as we do with storm days) made this last-minute decision for everyone’s safety. I sincerely look forward to the end of this pandemic. I miss meeting you in your homes and during coffee hour after church each week.  
May God’s peace rest with each of you, 

Rev. Scott Stuart

© 2011 Mount Royal United Church | 106 Mount Royal Blvd, Moncton NB E1E 2V2 | 506-855-5771
info@mountroyaluc.ca | All Rights Reserved