Virtual Voices - 65th edition
Virtual Voices
The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church for Friday October 15th 2021
Welcome to our sixty fifth edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.
If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to
we will do our very best to put it on for you.
A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins
with Rev. Stuart.
The weekly bulletin will be available here.
This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.
We hope you have a very good day today. Best Regards, Newsletter Committee
Important Update regarding COVID protocols
Now in effect for all activities at Mount Royal United Church
- Preregistration for in person worship in not required
- We are recording names and phone numbers for contact tracing purposes - Mask wearing, hand sanitizing and social distancing are still required.
** Effective September 26, 2021, proof of double vaccination must be provided to attend worship. - MRUC Council has decided 100% of attendees for worship must be vaccinated.
- No medical exemptions will be accepted at this time.
- You may also be requested to provide a government issued identification.
- If you are either unvaccinated or cannot wear a mask, please stay home until it is safer for you to attend church.
Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler
I hope this finds you well.
I drove home bumping along Dixon Blvd this week. Like many roads in Moncton, there has been water line reconstruction going on for months. Just when I get a little excited that it must be nearly complete, they extend the work another block and the detour signs are up at every intersection. It sometimes feels like one step forward and two steps back: sort of like a mini microcosm of our New Brunswick COVID -19 experience. We seem to be progressing along quite well and then it becomes apparent that we have a long way to go.
I know when it is over the driving will be pleasant again, but the road has been rough for far too long now. I get impatient for it all to be over. It is hard some days. I want to shout enough already! I am tired of it all.
There aren't too many announcements this week because of the circuit breaker restrictions. Nevertheless, the work of the church continues ... church continues. We are still inviting you to help with Outreach and assist folks in our community. Be sure to listen for details on how you can help.
This Sunday we will again be closed for in person worship. We will revisit in person worship when the province lifts circuit breaker restrictions in Zone one. In the meantime, please be sure to worship with us online, either by joining us for the livestream Sunday with music and announcements at 10:15 AM or by watching the posted recording any time in the video archives.
Did you hear that rapid test kits are available to people residing in parts of circuit breaker areas, like Zone one, Moncton? The program is for people aged 2 and older who do not have COVID -19 symptoms and have not been identified by Public Health as a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case. On Saturday, October 16th from 8AM to 5PM at the Magic Mountain parking lot, 150 Magic Mountain Rd, you will be able to pick up a free kit which has five tests to be used over 10 days. People 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult to acquire a testing kit. Of course, anyone who has a positive result on a rapid test must contact an assessment centre to get a PCR test as soon as possible. If you are concerned at all, you might want to pick up some test kits.
Stay well. Thank you for your ongoing support and, as always, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.
Susan Fowler Council Chair Mount Royal United Church 506 855-7008