Virtual Voices - 72nd edition
Virtual Voices
The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church for Friday December 3rd 2021
Welcome to our seventy second edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.
If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to
we will do our very best to put it on for you.
A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins
with Rev. Stuart.
The weekly bulletin will be available here.
This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.
We hope you have a very good day today. Best Regards, Newsletter Committee
Important Update regarding COVID protocols
Now in effect for all activities at Mount Royal United Church
- Preregistration for in person worship in not required
- We are recording names and phone numbers for contact tracing purposes - Mask wearing, hand sanitizing and social distancing are still required.
** Effective September 26, 2021, proof of double vaccination must be provided to attend worship. - MRUC Council has decided 100% of attendees for worship must be vaccinated.
- No medical exemptions will be accepted at this time.
- You may also be requested to provide a government issued identification.
- If you are either unvaccinated or cannot wear a mask, please stay home until it is safer for you to attend church.
Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler
How are things? Are you carrying on with Christmas preparations; planning for a second year of quieter holiday celebrations? Sounds like that is what may be in store for all of us. Check the website for latest COVID information.
Meanwhile at the church, we continue to be flexible, modifying plans as required. We have made changes to the pageant planned for Dec 24th but still hope to have several children involved. A decision on whether the Dec 12th carol sing will be held inside or in the sanctuary will be decided closer to or on that date. Please check the church website frequently for updates And thank you for sending in your carol requests.
Advent 2 is here; the week we acknowledge peace. It is also White Gift Sunday. Your gifts of cash or grocery gift cards or personal hygiene items will make a difference in our community and be donated to Bessborough School and the community friends of St George's Anglican Church. Your generosity is always appreciated.
The seasonal carol favourites continue and the scripture lesson for Sunday is Luke 3:1-6. Rev. Stuart's message is entitled "Listening to Learn". Please join us in person or online.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have comments or questions.Susan FowlerCouncil ChairMount Royal United Church506-855-7008
** Newsletter committee Editorial Note: During the Children's time of the November 26th service, Rev. Stuart and Rev. Stuart spoke to us about the Nativity Scene. Rev. Stuart, mentioned an interesting fact that there really is no knowledge of how many Wise-men there were, only that the were 3 gifts...........
Or were there only 3 gifts?
Watch to the end of the announcements this week to find out the real story....