Christmas Giving
For many years, the United Church Women (UCW) made up tins of sweets and delivered them along with Christmas greetings to members of the Mount Royal family who were less able to attend activities at the church. Often, the children in the BLAST Sunday School program made colourful cards with caring messages.
Last December, the UCW teamed up with members of the Pastoral Care Committee to put together and deliver care packages, all prepared in a COVID safe way. This year, those two groups made just over 30 Christmas care packages. They contained cookies and chocolate, favourite scripture passages, a tea bag with an encouraging message, a beautiful handmade ornament and Christmas greetings.
Pictured here is Joyce Bremner, Co-President of Mount Royal United Church UCW, standing next to the care packages prepared by members of the UCW and Pastoral Care Committee.
As we continue to adjust and readjust to our “pandemic reality” , we find new ways to say we care. At Mount Royal, gift bags with some family fun treats arrived at the homes of our Sunday School families this week. We look forward to seeing you in person and we miss you! Take good care!
Thanks to the caring folks in the Mount Royal Community of Faith.