Virtual Voices - 75th edition
Virtual Voices
The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church for Thursday December 23rd 2021
Welcome to our seventy fifth Special Christmas edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.
If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to
we will do our very best to put it on for you.
A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins
with Rev. Stuart.
The weekly bulletin will be available here.
This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.
We hope you have a very good day today. Best Regards, Newsletter Committee
Message from the Minister - Rev Scott Stuart
Every year, at this time, without fail the tempo of our lives speeds up and the days begin to blur together. Although during these times it’s difficult to carve out an hour or so here and there for family, this past Sunday I did just that. Towards the end of the day Ethan, Catherine and I found a little time to sit down and watch Disney’s version of “A Christmas Carol”. Year after year this has and continue to be my favorite Advent read but I’ve got to admit the cartoon version is rather well done. What I enjoy about this piece is the redemption of Scrooge. We’re told at the very beginning of the novel that he has created a weighted chain in life and is condemned to drag that chain about him in death in perpetual misery. However, at the end of the novel Scrooge had changed so much that his chain was being undone one link at a time. It is a message of hope.
Very soon now we will gather together at the manger and be witness to God becoming human, sharing with us all the joys and hardships that come with it. God walks among us, as one of us, all for the sake of love and because of that nothing is outside the realm of possibility. Unlike Scrooge there is no forged chain we create with every misdeed but rather a God who knows what it is like to be human and has offered us the free gift of grace that holds and enfolds us throughout our lives. As the manger meets our lives this week this is our message of hope: Jesus born for us, walking among us, freely offering us his grace, which sets us free. I hope each and everyone of you have a very merry Christmas and may each gift of this season enfold you as we travel together in the New Year.
– Rev. Scott
Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler
Season's Greetings. I trust this finds you well. We didn't record a video version of Virtual Voices this week so, on behalf of the Newsletter Team, I want to extend sincere best wishes for a happy, healthy, and safe Christmas. Look for us to be back mid- January. We are always looking for people to read the announcements; just let me know if you would be willing to be in the rotation or even fill in occasionally. Things are quiet around the church on the activity front. Here are a couple of reminders... You can watch the posted recording of any past service, including the recent carol sing, and Blue Christmas service on the church website. Similarly, if you cannot join worship in person or online live on Christmas Eve, be sure to check in later. The children are taking part in the service in a Covid safe way and who doesn't like to see them!We are still planning on one Christmas Eve service at 7PM December 24th. Pre-registration is required. If you registered and have since changed your mind, please email me to advise at
Children are welcome to attend on Christmas Eve; all people who are eligible to be vaccinated should show proof of vaccination. The live stream will begin with music at 6:30 and if you tune in earlier, you might enjoy a little musical throw back from the much-loved Vince Guaraldi Trio known to many from Charlie Brown's Christmas. The worship service for Dec 26th is virtual only. There will be no in person attendance. Provincial Covid restrictions permitting, we will have in person worship on Jan 2 and 9th. There will not be any singing permitted even with masks.You may have heard on Tuesday that on Dec. 27th at 11:59 PM, the Province of NB moves to a revised version of Level 2 of the Winter Plan. Details can be found here of the presence of the Omicron variant and the continued high number of COVID cases, restrictions, particularly on the numbers of people who can gather, come into effect. Most noticeably, the steady 20 permitted for Christmas drops to a limit of 10. If you were planning on a big soiree for Dec 31st, put those plans on ice for another year. As for Faith Venues, no choir singing is permitted. A soloist can perform if standing at least 4 metres away from the congregation. And we are limited to 50 % capacity. These are things we have been doing during worship services anyway. I know you are tired of all the Covid restrictions, but I know we have the resilience to stay the course, as required, as a loving and caring church family. I am missing seeing people's faces as much as you. Remember you can still give someone a big smile. Even behind a mask, your eyes can show how warmly you are greeting them.If you are finding the season and/or all the Covid restrictions overwhelming, I encourage you to contact Rev Stuart at 506 295-5918 or there are good resources on the gnb website here
Please enjoy the video at the end of the message, courtesy of your Newsletter Team. Stay safe and "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"Susan FowlerCouncil ChairMount Royal United 855-7008 (for non-urgent requests at this time)
This week, there is no recording of actual announcements. We did take the opportunity to provide you 3 short videos to watch.
We hope you enjoy our selections.
Christmas According to Kids,
Missing Jesus,
Some thoughts of Joseph....