Virtual Voices 85th Edition
Virtual Voices
The Video E-Newsletter
of Mount Royal United Church for Friday March 4th 2022
Welcome to our eighty fifth edition of the Mount Royal United Church Video E-Newsletter. You will find the video at the bottom of this message.
If you have any news items or information you think we should be including in an upcoming e-newsletter, please send your suggestion to
we will do our very best to put it on for you.
A quick reminder that our Sunday Service is live streamed from the sanctuary beginning at 10:30 AM and can also be watched later on the church website. The Prelude will begin at 10:15 AM with music and the announcement slides before the service begins
with Rev. Stuart.
The weekly bulletin will be available here.
This video will be produced and sent out weekly on Friday morning with all the important things from our faith community. We plan to keep them short so you have time to drink a cup of tea or coffee while you watch.
We hope you have a very good day today. Best Regards, Newsletter Committee
Message from the Chair of Council - Susan Fowler
Hi. I hope this finds you well.I was talking to someone the other day who asked me if I had driven up Route 126 lately. He was commenting on the condition of the road. I asked if he had driven on St. George Blvd in Moncton. It reminded me that no matter how excited we get by little signs of Spring, like melting snowbanks and the first returning robins, the potholes sure reduce the joy this time of year. I see alignment bills in my future...I want to highlight a couple of things this week. The first is to say thanks to those people (Kim and Bill) who work hard to keep our church Facebook and website current with the most recent services and up to date with information about our activities. When we think there are Regional events or information on the United Church of Canada site to share, we post those as well. For example, check out Moderator Richard Bott's prayer for Ukraine. We need your help though, to make those sites relevant. We want to highlight things that are important to you. Would you please send items of interest to me or to And would you please take pictures of group gatherings at the church or during special services, so we have some newsy bits to post. Let us know if your group has something to celebrate or if you want us to focus on an upcoming event or gathering. And be sure to scroll through the events section of the website regularly for details of things we mention during Virtual Voices. The second thing I want to draw your attention to is the World Day of Prayer service for 2022 which I understand is particularly meaningful this year, with everything going on currently. You can find the link to watch that service on the church Facebook or website.And I forgot to include Rev. Stuart's trivia question from last week's service. He spoke about Peter during the scripture readings. During the Transfiguration readings, Rev. Stuart said Peter stood up to talk but, that was often the case. The trivia question was "Why is it that Peter almost always is the one to do most of the talking?" Send your answers to Rev Stuart.Stay well and keep in touch. I am always interested in your comments and suggestions. I hope to see you back in church very soon.Susan FowlerCouncil ChairMount Royal United Church, 855-7008
